Maximising the CO-benefits of agricultural Digitalisation through conducive digital ECoSystems

The overarching ambition of CODECS is to improve the motivation and the capacity of European farmers to understand and adopt digitalisation as an enabler of sustainable and transformative change.

Together with farmers and AKIS actors, CODECS will develop user-friendly methods and tools capable of documenting the co-benefits and costs of technologies applied in real-world conditions. In this way, it will improve the collective ability to understand, assess and anticipate the full benefits and costs of digitalization of agricultural operations and to build digital ecosystems that maximize the benefits of digitalization. The research will develop and test three indicators to monitor the level of digitization and predict costs and benefits (digital readiness of agricultural producers, willingness to learn/develop, constructiveness of the digital ecosystem). It will evaluate and compare the full range of social, economic and environmental costs and benefits of farm digitization. It tests and presents digital technologies through physical and virtual demonstrations in 21 "Living Labs" laboratories. The CODECS platform will offer search, demonstration and evaluation tools.


Duration: 48 months (01 October 2022 – 30 September 2026)

Funding: EU (Call: HORIZON-CL6-2021-GOVERNANCE-01-22)

Project number: 101060179

Hungarian project leader: Dr. Vér András PhD, senior research fellow,

More information about the project:


Széchenyi István University
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Science


Address: H-9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Lucsony u. 15-17. HUNGARY
