wisefarmer.jpgThe aim of the project is to bring together the younger and elder farm generations in a common programme for the exchange of knowledge, access to high quality learning opportunity, mentoring support and sustained collaboration for increased competence, from one side in the use of digital tools, from the other side the basic farming practices based on local knowledge. The target group consists of smallholders and family farmers, where personal participation in farming is inevitable, the current level of skills and qualifications are generally low, both on the elder side - lacking digital skills, and the younger farmers - missing key competences in the practice of farming. Elderly farmers have local knowledge that is indispensable in the successful entrepreneurship at the farm level, while younger farmers - often children in the family farms - are more advanced in the use of digital devices, but also lack their specific use in farming. During the implementation of the project, the consortium will survey the needs and the current capabilities of the target group and the mentors. Based on the assessed results, training syllabus and learning content will be developed retrieving and exchanging local knowledge, combining with digital skills, for the validation of acquired competence through non-formal learning experience. Project methodology and results will be summarized in the WiseFarmer Handbook and disseminated publicly and widely.

Period: 2019.09.01. – 2021.08.31.

Funding: European Commission

HU project leader: Dr. Vér András PhD, senior research fellow,

Further information:

Flyer can be downloaded here: pdf


Széchenyi István University
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Science


Address: H-9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Lucsony u. 15-17. HUNGARY
